The Effects of Envirnomental Factors on Macroalgae Biosorption of Heavey Metals


探讨了环境因子pH、离子强度对两种常见大型海藻马尾藻(Sargassumfusiforme)和海带(Laminariajaponica)吸附重金属离子(Cu2+、Pb2+、Cd2+、Ni2+)的影响.结果表明,马尾藻对Cu2+、Pb2+、Cd2+的吸附的最佳pH范围为4~6;对Ni2+的最佳pH范围为5~6;海带对Cu2+、Pb2的吸附的最佳pH范围为4~6;对Cd2+、Ni2+的最佳pH范围为5~6;一定的条件下,藻粉对重金属离子的吸附率随离子强度的升高而降低,这主要是溶液中共存离子参与吸附位点的竞争或负离子的空间阻碍导致的.The effects of pH and ionic strength on biosorption of heavy metal such as Cu2+, Pb2+, Cd2+ and Ni2+ were examined by two macroalgaes: Sargassum fusiforme and Laminaria japonica. The results showed that pH could affect the absorbent efficiency obviously. Sargassum fusiforme absorbed Cu2+, Pb2+, Cd2+ best while pH was in the range of 4~6 and Ni2+ in the range of 5~6. Laminaria japonica absorbed Cu2+, Pb2+ best while pH was in the range of 4~6 and Cd2+?Ni2+ in the range of 5~6. Ionic strength also had some effect on biosorption. The absorb efficiency of algae powder decreased when the ionic intensity increased. The coexistent cations attending the competition of absorbent sites or the space cumber of anions were likely the major processes responsible for these observations.厦门市科委高新技术资助项

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