Study on Acute Toxicity of Triazophos and Acephate on Marine Copepods


研究了三唑磷和乙酰甲胺磷两种常用有机磷农药对婆罗异剑水蚤和日本虎斑猛水蚤的急性毒性,报道了相关的24hLC50和48hLC50数据.其中三唑磷对婆罗异剑水蚤和日本虎斑猛水蚤的48hLC50分别为6.844μg/L和16.26μg/L,而乙酰甲胺磷对婆罗异剑水蚤和日本虎斑猛水蚤的48hLC50分别为216.3mg/L和76.54mg/L.结果表明:对两种桡足类而言,三唑磷的毒性大于乙酰甲胺磷;桡足类对有机磷农药的耐受性具有种的特异性.据此提出使用农药的相关建议,指出应该严格控制三唑磷的使用,为近岸海区环境的质量评价和污染防治提供参考依据,并为监测有机磷农药污染环境提供了参考资料.Acute toxicity of triazophos and acephate on Apocyclops borneoensis and Tigriopus japonicus was studied and the correlative 24hLC50 and 48hLC50 were recorded.The 48hLC50 of triazophos on Apocyclops borneoensis and Tigriopus japonicus was 6.844 μg/L and 16.26 μg/L.The 48hLC50 of acephate on Apocyclops borneoensis and Tigriopus japonicus was 216.3 mg/L and 76.54 mg/L.It was suggested that the toxicity of triazophos on the two copepods was stronger than that of acephate.The specific tolerance of copepods to organophosphrus was validated.The results indicated that use of triazophos should be strictly controlled.The data also provide important referrence for environmental assessment and pollution control at the coastal zone.国家自然科学基金(39800021)资

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