"Kangba" Economic Exchange Model among Minority Groups Living on the Frontiers of Yunnan: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis


"康吧"交往是纳西族与傈僳族、藏族之间一种独特而历史悠久的物质交换模式,它不符合理性选择的逻辑却能世代延续至今,同时,不同民族间的"康吧"交往又存在差异。本文借鉴西方主流理论对这种古老的交往模式进行分析,从经济学、社会学、人类学的多重理论角度出发,采用访谈、观察与定量分析相结合的研究方法,对上述现象进行了分析。研究结果表明:(1)资源依赖性、信任和互惠原则对"康吧"交往的延续至关重要;(2)货币市场和投机行为的出现导致"康吧"交往走向衰落,但情感互惠和资源互补使之至今存在;(3)自然资源条件、资源互补程度、社会历史背景和文化因素,对交往模式的差异都有重要影响作用。"Kangba" exchange is a unique transaction model with a long history among Naxi, Tibetan and Lisu ethnic groups. Though contradicting rational choice theory in economics, it has been passed down from one generation to another to the present day. Also, there are some differences in the exchange model be-tween different ethnic groups. From the perspective of Western mainstream theory, we analyze this ancient exchange model from multiple theoretical perspectives such as economics, sociology and anthropology, using multiple research methods such as face-to-face interview, observation and quantitative analysis. Our research results show that: (1) mutual trust and reciprocity are critical to the maintenance of "Kangba" exchange; (2) the emergence of currency markets and speculative behavior have led to the decline of "Kangba" exchange, while effective reciprocity and complementary resources have sustained it till now; and (3) natural resources, the extent of resource complementarities, as well as socio-historical background and cultural elements have all contributed to greatly influence the differences between their exchange models.t great impact on the ex-change difference among different peoples.南开大学“985工程”哲学社会科学创新基地“中国企业管理制度创新”资助研究成

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