Implementation of programmes for maintaining care and safety of learners in secondary schools in the Graaff Reinet education district


Care and safety of learners refers to the behavioral practices which protect children from danger, risks and injuries. It also includes environment that is free from violence since where there is no fear perceived, there is reverence for the school and its disciplinary measures (Hernandez & Seem, 2004; Marotz, Cross, Rush, 2005; Mathe, 2008; Chukwu, 2008). Schools should have positive environment which allows members of staff, learners and guests to freely interact without threats or fear. Learners and staff should feel psychologically, physically and emotionally safe and secure (Dwyer & Osher, 2000; Tabancali &Bektas, 2009; Butcher& Manning 2005). Consequently, care and safety of learners can also be viewed in a more practical and management oriented way. According to Hull (2010) care and safety of learners in a management oriented way includes, maintenance of school buildings and grounds, care of facilities, furniture and equipment with spacious corridors that allow free flow and emergency movement to prevent illness and death. Classes should accommodate the required educator-learner ratio. The playgrounds are reduced to limited space to ensure that learners are visible and are controllable. Moreover provision of care and safety of learners includes school culture and the appropriate training of educators as well as school staff who should respond to threats and hazards. It also includes addressing the range of crisis the school can face such as death and natural disasters (Phaneuf, 2009). Reeves, Nickerson, Conolly-Wilson, Suson, Lazzaro, Jimerson, and Pesce (2012) contend that the educators on duty should provide learners with safety precautions to guard against the possibility of single learner slipping away and suffering injuries (Dilion, 2007). According to Mogopodi, Banyaladzi & Petros (2015) facilities like laboratories should be suitable for all learners because they help to transform theoretical education into practice making learning effective. Astor, Guerra, Van Acker (2010) suggest that provision of care and safety for learners is among the most essential components for achieving effective teaching and learning. This will only be achieved by putting in place proper care and safety programmes and ensuring that they are effectively implemented (Netshitahame, & Vollenhoven, 2002, Astor

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