Advances in the theory of channel simulation: from quantum communication to quantum sensing


In this thesis we investigate the fundamental limitations that the laws of the quantum nature impose on the performance of quantum communications, quantum metrology and quantum channel discrimination. In a quantum communication scenario, the typical tasks are represented by the simple transmission of quantum bits, the distribution of entangle- ment and the sharing of quantum secret keys. The ultimate rates for each of these protocols are given by the two-way quantum capacities of the quantum channel which are in turn defined by considering the most general adaptive strategies that can be implemented over the channel. To assess these quantum capacities, we combine the simulation of quantum channels, suitably generalized to systems of arbitrary dimension, with quantum telepor- tation and the relative entropy of entanglement. This procedure is called teleportation stretching. Relying on this, we are able to reduce any adaptive protocols into simpler block ones and to determine the tightest upper bound on the two-way quantum capacities. Re- markably, we also prove the existence of a particular class of quantum channel for which the lower and the upper bounds coincide. By employing a slight modification of the tele- portation scheme, allowing the two parties to share a multi-copy resource state, we apply our technique to simplify adaptive protocols for quantum metrology and quantum channel discrimination. In the first case we show that the modified teleportation stretching implies a quantum Cram ́er-Rao bound that follows asymptotically the Heisenberg scaling. In the second scenario we are able to derive the only known so far fundamental lower bound on the probability of error affecting the discrimination of two arbitrary finite-dimensional quantum channels

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