Acceleration of the Transition to a Sustainable and Renewable Energy Future in Mexico through Clean Energy Certificates


Currently, there is a constant commitment of governments around the world for reducing the emissions of pollutants and mitigate the effects of the climate change through the deployment of renewable energy for electricity generation. Governments have adopted policies and targets for fostering the use of clean technologies in order to be cost-competitive with fossil fuels technologies. The clean energy certificate markets have been created by the governments as an incentive for integrating the participation of renewable energies into their energy portfolios. In 2013, Mexico enacted an Energy Reform with the purpose to oversight a gradual participation of renewable energies in the electricity industry with a renewable target of 35% as a minimum in electricity generation from clean energy sources by 2024. In 2018, a clean energy certificate market will be launched by the Mexican government in order to accelerate the pace to reach the renewable energy target. This research project outlined the need for identifying best global practices in the design features of clean energy certificate markets through the analytical method of the socio-technical system approach for the Mexican clean energy certificate market to accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy in Mexico. The aim of this research project is to evaluate the countries with high penetration of renewable energies through the implementation of a clean energy certificate market. It is worth noting that the evaluations of the countries are presented as follows: Sweden and Norway, United Kingdom, Australia, India and the state of California in the United States. The research project highlights the findings of the best international practices and failures as result of the evaluations made with the socio-technical system approach and the recommendations for the Mexican clean energy certificate market

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