
Leak Detection in Long Pipelines Systems


Leakage in any fluid distribution network or conveying systems results in consumption of resources and time, and its impacts affect the on the environment and the profits for any asset owner. Moreover, a sufficient and applicable leak detection system, especially, in the oil/gas industry, comes at a high cost and time consuming, sometimes affects the system’s productivity. Because of its simplicity and encouraging results from the theoretical, experimental and real field tests, the water hammer phenomenon promises shows great benefits. This work has tried to utilise the routine transient events, raising the pump flow rate, to detect the leak. Also, it attempted to draw on some successful theoretical techniques, the cross-correlation and its second derivative, to apply on a real field system. To achieve that, some theoretical and experimental stages had to be carried out first. The real system was scaled theoretically to form a laboratory apparatus, so it could be fitted in a Contaminant Ingress into Distribution Systems (CID) laboratory at the University of Sheffield. The leak approach was tested by means of a numerical code for this design before construction of the rig. Then, the experimental rig was completed and the data collected from it. In the real field system, the shortage in the data frequency is an obstacle to applying the approach. The researcher’s colleagues tried their best to improve the data acquisition system to meet the requirements. Although the improvement made to the system in terms of the time precision was impressive, the sample frequency increment was under the desirable level. The signal analysis approach was worked as expected theoretically, empirically the results were limited. Some trials were conducted to enhance the signal features. Later, some issues were raised and clarifications were added

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