Creep behaviour of confined layers of polyhedral grains


By means of contact dynamics simulations, we investigate the creep deformation of a thin granular layer composed of irregular polyhedral particles under the action of a constant vertical overload applied on a horizontal wall on top of the layer. We show that the total deformation induced by the overload increases with the ratio between the vertical and confining horizontal stresses and the aspect ratio of the sample. The effect of the aspect ratio is a consequence of the mobilized wall-grain friction forces at the top and bottom boundaries, that lead to enhanced strength by stabilizing strong force chains at the center of the sample. We also evidence the influence of loading history due to strain-induced fabric change or inertial effects resulting from the instant application of the overload. The topology of the contact network evolves in close correlation with creep. In particular, the face/face contacts between polyhedral particles concentrate largest force chains and their number is an increasing function of creep. A crucial feature of a confined granular system is the statistical variability of the mechanical response that we analyzed for creep deformations by performing a large number of simulations for independent initial configurations. Our data indicate that the distribution of fluctuations with respect to the mean creep falls off exponentially

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