Potential for interactive design simulations in discrete element modelling


This study investigates the potential for combining lower fidelity models with high performance solution strategies such as efficient graphical processing unit (GPU) based discrete element modelling (DEM) to not only do simulations faster but differently. Specifically this study investigates interactive simulation and design for which the simulation environment BlazeDEM-GPU was developed that allows researchers and engineers to interact with simulations. The initial results prove to be promising and warranting extensive research to be conducted in future which may allow for the development of alternative paradigms. In addition to the design cycle, the role that this interactive simulation and design will play in education is invaluable as an in-house corporate training tool for young engineers to actively train and develop understanding for specific industrial processes. This would also allow engineers to conduct just-in-time (JIT) simulation based assessment of processes before commencing on actual site visits, allowing for shorter and more focussed site excursions

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