
Using the qubus for quantum computing


In this thesis I explore using the qubus for quantum computing. The qubus is an architecture of quantum computing, where a continuous variable ancilla is used to generate operations between matter qubits. I concentrate on using the qubus for two purposes - quantum simulation, and generating cluster states. Quantum simulation is the idea of using a quantum computer to simulate a quantum system. I focus on conducting a simulation of the BCS Hamiltonian. I demonstrate how to perform the necessary two qubit operations in a controlled fashion using the qubus. In particular I demonstrate an O(N3) saving over an implementation on an NMR computer, and a factor of 2 saving over a naıve technique. I also discuss how to perform the quantum Fourier transform on the qubus quantum computer. I show that it is possible to perform the quantum Fourier transform using just, 24⌊N/2⌋ + 7N − 6, this is an O(N) saving over a naıve method. In the second part of the thesis, I move on, and consider generating cluster states using the qubus. A cluster state, is a universal resource for one-way or measurement-based computation. In one-way computation, the pre-generated, entangled resource is used to perform calculations, which only require local corrections and measurement. I demonstrate that the qubus can generate cluster states deterministically, and in a relatively short time. I discuss several techniques of cluster state generation, one of which is optimal, given the physical architecture we are using. This can generate an n × m cluster in only 3nm − 2n − 2m + 4 operations. The alternative techniques look at generating a cluster using layers or columns, allowing it to be built dynamically, while the cluster is used to perform calculations. I then move on, and discuss problems with error accumulation in the generation process

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