PCB Design for EMC Testing


With technology speeding up, electronic circuits are widely used in different applications, such as communication, computation, automation. Circuitry is getting smaller in physical size which increases the chance of EMI problems. Devices maybe compromised polluting nearby equipment and environment. The goal of the thesis was to study and observe two versions of self-designed printed circuit board (PCB) by EMC testing. PCB No.1 was designed as the best by following EMC rules while PCB No.2 as the worst. Two similar schematics were given by the senior lecturer. The project was divided into three parts to be carried out. The first part was familiarizing with theoretical background. The second part was implementation. When implementing, design was mainly accomplished using PADS provided by Mentor Graphics. PCB were manufactured using milling machine LPKF ProtoMat S62. In the second part, procedure was repeat multiple times because of components issue. The final part was to test and analyze. When analyzing, comparison graphs were created and studied. The objective of the project was completed successfully. Two PCB were fully functional and tested. All relevant reports for PCB are attached into the thesis

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