Substantiating vocational competency identity in reindeer herding studies


Vocational education reform in Finland highlights the need for students to develop competency identity. This study explores competency building in a reindeer herding vocational study programme. This study reviewed key factors related to improving the educational design in reindeer herding studies and a digital tool to enhance students’ competency identity development. The study design was based on a case study of educational design research in a northern Finnish Lapland vocational school, the Sámi Education Institute. The research data were gathered from reindeer herding students (N = 23) and teaching and administrative personnel (N = 5) using open-ended narrative interviews, focus group discussions (N = 4), and participant feedback (N = 23) collected in workshops. As part of the educational design research, students designed ePortfolios to demonstrate their competency development. Based on research findings associated with vocational students of reindeer herding, ePortfolios provide a platform for visualising the process of competency identity construction, which encompasses the progression of their learning and presents their skills and expertise. This study presents practical research-based knowledge about students’ competency identity development through the creation of ePortfolios and the connection of studies with working life—the very objective of the vocational education reform. Keywords: vocational education, competency identity, reindeer herding studies, ePortfolio, educational design researc

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