Characteristic analysis on the rubbing of rotor blade-casing of aero-engine based on Hilbert transform


A characteristic analytical method for the rubbing of aero-engine rotor blade-casing based on Hilbert Transform is proposed. The rotor experiment rig of aero-engine was used to simulate rubbing faults including single-point rub and local rub in the conditions of different casing thickness, different rubbing intensities, different rotational speeds and different rubbing positions. The casing acceleration signal was collected and subjected to the analysis by Hilbert envelope spectrum, and the result was compared with traditional spectrum analysis. The result indicates that the Hilbert envelope spectrum can effectively monitor the aero-engine running state in low frequency, and the method is more insensitive in sensor position, rotational speed, casing thickness and rubbing position. But the spectrum cannot efficiently monitor the aero-engine running state in low frequency

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