The finite element analysis of the in plane and out of plane harmonic responses of piezoresponse force microscopy cantilever


The harmonic response under the in plane and out of plane driving force separately and model analysis of the widely used SCM-PIT probe were carried out in the consideration of the typical piezoresponse force microscopy working condition by finite element method. It is shown that there are symmetric modes of the resonance at 68, 408, 1139, 2244 kHz, and antisymmetric modes at 646, 1020, and 3077 kHz in the first seven eigenmodes. The symmetric modes of the harmonic response are verified by the frequency sweep method from the piezoresponse phase signals experimentally. It is also revealed that different driving frequencies should be used in the resonance-enhanced PFM imaging in the consideration of the domain structures. The driving frequency of 68, 408, 1139, 2244 kHz should be preferred in the resonance-enhanced PFM imaging of the out of plane domains, while the driving frequency of 646, 1020 and 3077 kHz should be used for the imaging of in plane domains in order of achieved the best resonance-enhanced effect

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