Finite element model updating using base excitation response function


Finite element model updating is an effective way to build accurate analytical models for structures. Most of the available updating methods employ information from modal testing. However, in astronautics engineering, information provided by vibration table testing is more valuable than those from modal testing. Therefore, it is necessary to study updating methods which can adopt information from vibration table testing. This paper presents the study on such issue. The base excitation response function is analyzed with the assumption that the vibration table gives the structure a single direction motion excitation. Model updating method which adopts the response function is then proposed. In the numerical simulation, several case studies are constructed for a truss structure with small or significant modeling errors respectively. Data selection, which has great influence on the success of updating, is carefully studied. A novel adaptive data selection approach is suggested. Simulation results show that model updating converge with good accuracy when the adaptive data selection approach is used

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