Fishing tools and implements from the layers of the Roman-period port in Zaton near Nin


Antička luka u Zatonu otkrivena je sredinom šezdesetih godina 20. st., a sustavno se istražuje od 2002. godine. U tih 50 godi­na istraživanja su se vršila s većim ili manjim prekidima, i svaka kampanja dala je bogatstvo različitog materijala s područja od Hispanije sve do istočnog Sredozemlja. U radu se donosi pregled 78 predmeta koji se direktno ili indirektno mogu povezati s aktiv­nošću ribolova. Arheološkim ostatcima ribarskog alata i pribora u literaturi je pridavano malo pažnje s obzirom na to da je riječ o predmetima koji nisu previše „zanimljivi“ jer se javljaju tijekom ci­jele povijesti u gotovo neizmijenjenom obliku i vrlo je često, ako nema arheološkog konteksta, teško doći do nekih konkretnijih zaključaka, naročito što se tiče datiranja samih predmeta. Od ri­barskog alata i pribora iz antičke luke u Zatonu izdvojene su udi­ce, osti, utezi za mreže i igle za krpanje i šivanje mreža.The Roman-period port in Zaton was discovered in the mid-1960s, but systematic excavations have been going on there since 2002. During these 50 years, the excavations have been conducted at intervals. Every campaign yielded ample and varied material from the regions stretching from Hispania to Eastern Mediterra­nean. This paper presents 78 objects directly or indirectly associ­ated with fishing. Literature has not paid much attention to the archaeological remains of fishing tools and implements; it does not consider them particularly “interesting” because they have not changed much throughout the history and – unless found in some archaeological context – they are very often difficult to date. Of the fishing tools and implements found in the Roman-period port in Zaton, we have singled out here hooks, fish spears, fishing net weights and netting needles

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