

作物健康管理的基本理念是以環境友善型生產管理概念,為生產安全良好農產品的方法。本研究以水稻為試驗材料,施已插秧密度為30×24 cm,比傳統的密度30×16 cm為疏,肥料的總量應用在各個生長階段,健康管理田比對照田減少15%。結果顯示,在健康管理中稻熱病可減少12%的感染,雖然稻穀產量降低19.7%、但米粒外觀較白且透明約提高12%、及食味品質增加3%。綜合而論,健康管理模式以培育健全秧苗、寬行寬植及適當肥量營造通風的植株群落環境,因此農藥及肥料施用少1~2次,總支出成本因而減少32.1%,且此生產模式可減少環境污染,是一種環境友善型的生產管理。 Crop healthy management (CHM) is based on integrated management of environment-friendly method to product safe and good quality foods. Rice is a major staple food in the world as well as in Taiwan. At transplanting, plant density was adjusted to 30 x 24 cm from the conventional density of 30 x 16 cm. Total amount of fertilizers was decreased 15% from the control field. The results showed that infection of blast was reduced by 12% and the eating quality of rice was increased by 3%, although the yield was decreased by 19.7%. In conclusion, the developed health management may create a better ventilation environment through using the healthy seedlings, wider planting space, and appropriate amount of fertilizer. The management system had less pesticide and fertilizer application, then the net input was reduced by 32.1%. The present results suggested that the developed system has potential to be beneficial for both environment and farmers income

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