Surveillance and Integrated Diseases and Pests Management of Ornamental Plants


本計畫調查景觀作物主要病蟲害種類及其週年消長,全年監測有無列名檢疫有害生物之發生情形,並測試主要病蟲害之防治藥劑效果並研發主要的非農藥防治技術。建立重要景觀作物有害生物相,建立防治病蟲害之環境管理規範及非疫生產點技術之研發。 This project focus on the study of management of insect pests and diseases of Ornamental plantsall year around. Some quarantine pests listed were surveyed and monitored. Development of the recommended measures and schedules and nonchemical control of pests and diseases were urgent requirement. The standard operation processes for pests and diseases control will be built up

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