Surface diagnosticity predicts the high-level representation of regular and irregular object shape in human vision


The human visual system has an extraordinary capacity to compute three-dimensional (3D) shape structure for both geometrically regular and irregular objects. The goal of this study was to shed new light on the underlying representational structures that support this ability. Observers (N = 85) completed two complementary perceptual tasks. Experiment 1 involved whole–part matching of image parts to whole geometrically regular and irregular novel object shapes. Image parts comprised either regions of edge contour, volumetric parts, or surfaces. Performance was better for irregular than for regular objects and interacted with part type: volumes yielded better matching performance than surfaces for regular but not for irregular objects. The basis for this effect was further explored in Experiment 2, which used implicit part–whole repetition priming. Here, we orthogonally manipulated shape regularity and a new factor of surface diagnosticity (how predictive a single surface is of object identity). The results showed that surface diagnosticity, not object shape regularity, determined the differential processing of volumes and surfaces. Regardless of shape regularity, objects with low surface diagnosticity were better primed by volumes than by surfaces. In contrast, objects with high surface diagnosticity showed the opposite pattern. These findings are the first to show that surface diagnosticity plays a fundamental role in object recognition. We propose that surface-based shape primitives—rather than volumetric parts—underlie the derivation of 3D object shape in human vision

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