
An investigation on the environmental knowledge, attitudes and behavior of Maltese youth


Not much is known about the environmental knowledge, attitudes and actions of young people in the Maltese islands. The main actors that are responsible for the acquisition and development of environmental perspectives of young people in Malta are also not well known. There is as yet, little understanding of the extent to which these actors are fostering a sense of environmental responsibility and a greater commitment towards sustainable development. The methodology for this study includes an analysis of the local social, cultural and environmental milieu in which environmental knowledge, attitudes and actions form. Data collection occurred through a class administered questionnaire survey distributed to students in the post secondary age range. The results from the research indicated that students are more knowledgeable about the global environment than about the local environment, and that students receive most information from school, television and the Internet. The sources of environmental information perceived by young people are the most reliable including school, books and the Internet. The overall attitude of students towards the environment appears to be strongly positive; however, students seemed to perform few positive actions towards the environment.peer-reviewe

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