3 CAPD Awards Helped Generate 2 National Presentations and 5 Publications.


There were 3 CAPD awards that have resulted in 2 presentations at national meetings and they also helped in the publication of 5 articles in peer-reviewed professional dental journals. There were 15 faculty, 4 pre-doctoral and 2 postdoctoral students who were involved: CAPD.(2020) Presentation at American Dental Education Association Meeting, award to Booth, Tran Presentation-Greene RS, Greene SS, Tran CD. Graphic rapid extrusion: evolutionary novel electronic orthodontic management guide. Accepted for presentation American Dental Education Association. March 12, 2021 Boston, MA (Virtual) Publication- Greene RS, Greene SS, Tran CD. Graphic rapid extrusion: evolutionary novel electronic orthodontic management guide. Journal of Dental Education. Volume 85, Number2, page 275–277, Feb 2021 CAPD (2020): “Advanced Biomedical Camera: Dental Education Focus,” award to Brady, Booth, Tran Presentation- Tran C, Kosturos M, Booth M, Gallagher D, Brady M, Greene S, Ellerhorst T, Buchanan P, Gupta S, Savage R. Early implementation, electronic instruction occlusal milled guard, pre-doctoral clinic Accepted for presentation American Dental Education Association. March 2020 Washington DC Publication- Brady M, Tran C, Booth M, Radke R. Esthetic clasp design for removable partial dentures on anterior teeth: Decisions in Dentistry. Volume 6 Number 4: page 22-25 April2020. Tran C, Kosturos M, Booth M, Gallagher D, Brady M, Greene S, Ellerhorst T, Buchanan P, Gupta S, Savage R. Early implementation, electronic instruction occlusal milled guard, predoctoral clinic. Journal of Dental Education. Volume 84, Number 2, page 268, Feb 2020Schulze K, Smutko O, Tang T, Kenyon BJ, Peterson E, Tran C, Buchanan P. 10 year follow upon resin modified glass ionomer restorations. Decisions in Dentistry; Volume 6 Number 10:page 22-25 October 2020 CAPD (2021). “Overlay Model Graphic Augmented Reality Technique: Enhanced Implant Evaluation Instruction Outcome, award to Gonzalez, Tran Publication- Trivedi H, Gonzalez Espinoza E, Gupta S, Tran C, Yadav S. .Fixed treatment options for single incisor replacement. Decisions in Dentistry; Volume 7 Number 4: page 8-12, April 202

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