
Auralization of a Supersonic Business Jet Using Advanced Takeoff Procedures


Recent NASA studies of a supersonic business jet airplane indicated that advanced takeoff procedures could be used to reduce noise at the lateral sideline location to a level at which Chapter 4 noise certification requirements could be met. The studies were conducted with the NASA Aircraft Noise Prediction Program, using an analytical model of the airframe and its engines. The advanced procedure consists of a higher-speed climbout and a programmed thrust lapse in which the engine thrust is automatically and gradually reduced immediately after the runway obstacle is cleared. In this paper, the authors utilize the results of the most recent study as the basis of an auralization of the predicted noise. Modifications to the NASA Auralization Framework necessary for that process are described. The auralizations are used to demonstrate differences between standard and advanced takeoff pro ond those that may be observed through comparison of integrated noise metrics

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