
Preventing Premature Death in the M&S Lifecycle: Lessons Learned from Resurrection and Modernization of a Space System Contamination Model


Models and simulations (M&S) are often developed to meet specific needs and unique requirements for a particular situation. Once the M&S is implemented for a specific case and questions are answered, the M&S may go dormant until a similar need arises again at a later time, perhaps months to years later. Possible modification of the M&S may be required, and issues may arise if the M&S is not well documented, captured, or available. This can severely limit the useful life of the M&S and hinder future development or enhancements. This situation occurred with an M&S tool that had been developed to determine the impact to space system performance due to the presence of molecular contaminant films accumulating on key spacecraft surfaces. The challenges and issues encountered when resurrecting, executing, and modernizing the tool will be presented as a case study. To stay ahead of tomorrows challenges, resources to create M&S tools must be utilized efficiently. Lessons learned from this case study will aid M&S developers and users in planning for proper maintenance, transfer, and capture of key M&S tools and knowledge to avoid increased cost, increased development time, and wasted resources for projects relying on M&S

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