
Comparison of Mixing Characteristics for Several Fuel Injectors at Mach 8, 12, and 15 Hypervelocity Flow Conditions


CFD analysis is presented of the mixing characteristics and performance of three fuel injectors at flight Mach numbers of 8, 12, and 15. The Reynolds-averaged simulations (RAS) were carried out using the VULCAN-CFD solver. The high Mach number flow conditions match those of the experiments conducted as a part of the Enhanced Injection and Mixing Project (EIMP) at the NASA Langley Research Center. The EIMP aims to investigate scramjet fuel injection and mixing physics, improve the understanding of underlying physical processes, and develop enhancement strategies relevant to flight Mach numbers greater than 8. The injectors include a fuel placement device, a strut, and a fluidic vortical mixer, a ramp. These fuel injectors accomplish the necessary task of distributing and mixing fuel into the supersonic cross-flow, albeit via different strategies. For comparison, a flush-wall injector is also included. This type of injector generally represents the simplest method of introducing fuel into a scramjet combustor. The three injectors represent the baseline configurations of the EIMP experiments. The mixing parameters of interest, such as mixing efficiency and total pressure recovery, are computed from the RAS and compared for the three flight conditions and injector configurations. In addition to mixing efficiency and total pressure recovery, the combustion efficiency and thrust potential are also computed for the reacting simulations. Plotting the total pressure recovery and thrust potential as a function of mixing efficiency provides added insight into critical aspects of combustor performance as the flight condition and injector type are varied

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