
Dynamic Replanning of Low Noise Rotorcraft Operations


A new method for rapidly planning and dynamically replanning low noise rotorcraft flight operations is developed. A large database of rotorcraft maneuver segments is generated, and an acoustic cost is assigned to each segment by using a computationally efficient semiempirical rotorcraft noise modeling method that accurately models the changes in rotor noise caused by maneuvering flight. Combinatoric optimization techniques are then employed to combine these maneuver segments into a low noise optimal flight path. A simple heuristic for estimating the total acoustic cost required to reach the target location is developed and incorporated into the search algorithm, allowing the computation of low noise paths in seconds. A procedure for implementing an anytime version of the method is described, enabling feasible solutions to be dynamically replanned on the flyi.e., in fractions of a secondand refined over time to a low noise optimal solution

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