
Modern Aerocapture Guidance to Enable Reduced-Lift Vehicles at Neptune


Aerocapture is covered extensively in the literature as means of achieving orbital insertion with dramatic mass-saving results compared to fully-propulsive systems. One of the primary obstacles facing aerocapture is the inherent uncertainty associated with passing through a planets upper atmosphere. In-flight dispersions due to delivery errors, environment variables, and aerodynamic performance impose a large flight envelope. System studies for aerocapture often select high lift-to-drag ratios to compensate for these uncertainties. However, modern predictor-corrector guidance strategies have shown promise in recent years to provide robust control schemes in-situ. These algorithms do not rely on a pre-calculated reference trajectory and instead employ a numerical optimizer to continuously solve nonlinear equations of motion each guidance cycle. Numerical predictor-corrector strategies may provide considerable accuracy over heritage guidance schemes. The goal of this study is reproduce a landmark study of Neptune aerocapture and apply modern guidance to illustrate relative performance improvements and cost-saving potential. Capture constraints based on the theoretical corridor width are considered. Results indicate that heritage vehicles with moderate lift-to-drag ratios, lower than previous studies have indicated, may prove viable for aerocapture at Neptune

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