Educator and Preceptor Roles in Athletic Training Student Development


Context: Healthcare professions use a unique learning pattern in which they are educated both didactically and clinically. Previous research has focused on preceptor selection and training, but there has been limited emphasis on perceived roles of didactic and clinical educators. Identifying potential discrepancies in perceived roles may help improve athletic training student education through a shared understanding of role delineation. Objective: To understand the perceived roles of academic faculty and clinical preceptors regarding athletic training student development. Design: Consensual qualitative research. Setting: Webex Focus Group Interviews. Patient or other Participants: 8 faculty, 7 preceptors, and 7 dual role educator/preceptor representing professional programs participated in this study. Data saturation guided the number of focus groups conducted. Data Collection and Data Analysis: Semi-structured focus group interviews were conducted and transcribed verbatim. Four researchers used a consensus process to analyze data, identify emergent themes, and create a codebook independently. Once completed, a consensual codebook was created with all identified themes and subgroups. Credibility was established by use of an external auditor to finalize the codebook. Results: Three themes emerged from the data: (1) Contributors to Role Achievement, (2) Challenges to Role Achievement, and (3) Perceived Improvements. Factors that contributed to role achievement included positive relationships, effective communication, role development,

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