The Location Privacy Preserving of Social Network Based on RCCAM Access Control


Location-based services in social networks provide much convenience for people but bring much risk of location privacy disclosure. Aiming at this problem, a location privacy preservation algorithm based on RCCAM access control model is proposed to assign the accessing users of the access permission and the visibility level of location information through the combination of conflict resolution strategy, permission allocation strategy and location generalization strategy. RCCAM is a relationship-based multi-users cooperation access control model, which takes the same shared contents that may involves the privacy profits of multi-users into consideration. The core of the algorithm is the value of open tendency which depends on the location sensitivity and the intimacy between the users. The conflict resolution strategy adopts the value of open tendency to vote for concessions. The permission allocation strategy and location generalization strategy to obtain the specific access permission and the location visibility level for accessing users according to the value of open tendency. The algorithm can achieve fine-grained control of location publishing of the shared content which involves stakeholder's privacy profit and maintain the sharing will of promulgator as possible

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