Correlation between relative schoolbag weight and gender and age differences of the schoolchildren in the primary school


Ova studija istraživala je relativnu masu školske torbe i njenu povezanost sa spolno-dobnim razlikama djece školskog uzrasta od prvog do devetog razreda u osnovnim školama grada Brna u Češkoj. Mjerenja morfoloških karakteristika djece i mase školske torbe provedena su u pet različitih škola. U ovoj studiji sudjelovalo je ukupno 584 školske djece, 44,35% djevojčica (N = 259) i 55,65% dječaka (N = 325), prosječne dobi 9,67 (± 2,4) godine i tjelesne mase 37,5 kg (± 13, 4). Srednja masa školske torbe iznosila je 4,93 kg (± 1,32) i predstavljala je 14,0% (± 0,5) srednje tjelesne mase djece. U statističkoj analizi korištenjem faktografske ANOVA, uz statističku značajnost od p ≤ 0.05, uočena je statistički značajna razlika između relativne mase školske torbe prema dobi ispitanika (p = 0,000). Školarci u prva četiri razreda imaju statistički značajnu veću relativnu masu školske torbe u odnosu na njihove starije kolege. S druge strane, ne postoji statistički značajna razlika između relativne mase školske torbe i spola (p = 0,240), ali postoji statistički značajna razlika između relativne mase školske torbe i interakcije između spola i dobi (p = 0,006). Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo da školarci u njihovoj ranoj fazi imaju veće opterećenje školskom torbom što predstavlja veliki faktor rizika tijekom vrlo osjetljive faze njihovog rasta i razvoja.This study investigated relative schoolbag weight and the correlation between relative schoolbag weight and gender and age differences of the schoolchildren in nine grades of primary schools in Brno, Czech Republic. Measurements of children’s anthropometry and schoolbag weight were taken in five different schools. In total 584 school children, 44,35 % girls (N = 259) and 55,65 % boys (N = 325), mean age 9,67 (± 2,4) years and body weight 37,5 kg (± 13,4) took part in this study. Mean schoolbag weight was 4,93 kg (± 1,32) and it represented 14,0 % (± 0,5) of children’s body weight. By using a factorial ANOVA in statistical analysis and by setting the statistical significance at p ≤ 0,05, the statistically significant difference between the relative schoolbag weight by ages of participants was noticed (p = 0,000). Schoolchildren in first four grades have statistically significant higher relative schoolbag weight than their older colleagues. On the other hand, there’s no statistically significant difference between the relative schoolbag weight and the gender (p = 0,240), but there is a statistically significant difference between the relative schoolbag weight and the interaction between gender and age (p = 0,006). This study showed that for schoolchildren in their early stage of growth, schoolbag load is bigger, and it represents a big risk factor during the very sensitive stage of their growth and development

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