
Vrste roda Meloidogyne česti su štetnici na tikvenjačama, poglavito u zaštićenim prostorima. To su polifagni štetnici, pa je izbor biljaka u plodoredu vrlo sužen. Suzbijanje nematoda korjenovih kvržica zahtijeva integriranje svih dostupnih zaštitnih mjera: agrotehničkih, fizikalnih, bioloških i kemijskih, a njihov odabir treba biti utemeljen na detekciji prisutnosti i visine populacije nematoda u pravo vrijeme. Osim profitabilnošću, treba se voditi odabirom onih zaštitnih mjera koje su najmanje rizične za čovjeka, neciljane organizme i okoliš. Tako postoji sve veći interes za uzgoj biljaka s nematocidnim učinkom (Crotalaria sp., Tagetes erecta, Tagetes patula), koje negativno utječu na populaciju nematoda, te za primjenom bioloških pripravaka na osnovi entomopatogenih nematoda, gljiva i bakterija. Primjena poboljšivača tla biljnog i životinjskog podrijetla, osim primarnog cilja, ima značajnu ulogu i u stvaranju nepovoljnih uvjeta za razvoj biljnoparazitskih nematoda. Provođenje prikladne njege nasada, pažljiv odabir kultura i sorata u plodoredu i provođenje spomenutih mjera suzbijanja omogudit de uspješnu zaštitu tikvenjača, ali i ostalih kultura, od nematoda korjenovih kvržica.Meloidogyne species are commonly known as pests in Cucurbits, especially in protected areas. These are polyphagous pests and the choice of plants in the crop rotation is very narrow. The suppression of root - knot nematodes requires the integration of all available protection measures: agrotechnical, physical, biological and chemical, and their selection should be based on timely detection of presence and height of the nematode population. Except for profitability, one should be guided by choosing the ones that are the least risk to humans, non-target organisms and the environment. Thus, there is an increasing interest in the cultivation of nematicidal plants (Crotalaria sp., Tagetes erecta, Tagetes patula) which negatively affect the nematode population and the use of biological preparations based on entomopathogenic nematodes, fungi and bacteria. The use of soil amendments of plant and animal origin, in addition to their primary objective, also plays a significant role in creating unfavorable conditions for the development of plant parasitic nematodes. Appropriate plant care, careful selection of crops and resistant varieties and the implementation of mentioned measures will enable the successful protection of Cucurbits, as well as other cultures from root – knot nematodes

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