New Plant Variety and DUS Test


農業及生技產業相關之智慧財產權保護可透過專利、營業秘密、植物品種權、著作及商標等方式達成,而植物品種權直接對植物品種提供權益的保護。新品種性狀檢定(DUS test)是認定新品種時最重要的參考依據,性狀檢定的品質也同時影響法令執行的品質,本文主要參考2007年於荷蘭舉辦之植物品種保護訓練課程內,關於品種檢定的一些執行概念及趨勢,如實質衍生品種的概念、品種檢定體系、檢定計畫的規劃流程及品種檢定的認證作簡要的說明。 The protection of intellectual property relating to the agricultural and biotechnical industries could be realized through the use of patents, trade secrets, plant seedlings, copyrights, and trademarks. Particularly, the plant species and seedling method provides direct protection on the benefits of new species. The DUS test on new species is the most important reference for the approval of new species. The DUS test's quality also influences the conduct of statutory implementation. In relation to this, the current paper mainly uses the Plant Species Protection and Training Course held in Holland in 2007 as reference. Some concepts and trends for the species test are as follows: the concept of substantial derivative species, the species test system, a brief introduction on the test plan's planning procedure, and the species test's certification

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