Studies on the Improvement of Farm Management


本計畫為農試所試驗農場之維持與改進計畫,旨在構建一個包括一般綜合作物試驗農場、轉基因作物隔離試驗農場及良種繁殖農場在內,具有前瞻性、發展空間、良好設備及週延管理,配合先進作業技術,能為各項農業科技試驗支援服務、為農業產業創新經營管理技術及生產優良種子,亦即設立具有現代化觀念與技術之綜合作物試驗農場。本年度之重要工作項目為 (1) 辦理綜合作物試驗農場硬體維護改善、常態運作管理與各項作業支援,作業面積達103公頃,順利支援完成進場之各項田間試驗,達成其試驗目的; (2) 加強農場作業改進,進行利用稻草取代土壤做為水稻育苗介質試驗已有初步成果;及 (3) 辦理良種繁殖與相關技術研究,並提供玉米台農三號親本種子16公斤、玉米台農一號親本種子957公斤,供應種苗場繁殖雜交種子供農民種植。本計畫提供各種作物良好之田間試驗軟硬體設施環境與作業支援體系,提高試驗精準度與效率,加速我國農業科技發展。又提供良好農場作業體系、作物栽培技術與優良親本、原原種種子,對提高我國相關產業競爭力及安定農村生活提供貢獻。 The purpose of this project is to establish a well-equipped experimental farm with advanced management techniques for the needs of testing transgenic plants under isolated conditions and other crops in the field. Furthermore, this farm will provide supports to agricultural scientists, improve farm management operations, and produce superior seeds. The following goals will be achieved in the fiscal year 2002: (1) The maintenance and improvement of the entire managing system of the farm will be carried on; (2) The improvement of the operational system and crop cultural practices will be strengthened; and (3) The production of superior seeds will be continued and the related research subjects for improving seed production will be conducted. With the implementation of this project, providing good farm facilities and supporting units, the precision and efficiency of various field experiments will be improved. The competition ability of the agribusiness of this country will also be enhanced by the development of farm operation system and new crop cultural techniques, as well as the production of superior seeds for agricultural production

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