Techniques of Health Management in Newly Rice Variety Miaoli 2


本研究為建立水稻苗栗2 號健康管理之生產模式,以水稻苗期至成熟階段減少用藥及肥料用量之栽種技術為主。苗期以每箱 250g 稻種育苗並以芽孢桿菌 ML15-4 處理秧苗,培育健康秧苗;300g 稻種及無處理芽孢桿菌為對照。在栽植密度與肥料施用量,掌控健康管理插秧苗數為 6–9 支、栽植密度 21 cm,田間施肥氮磷鉀三要素用量為 N: K2O: P2O5 = 120: 56: 60(kg/ha)。慣行法中插秧秧苗數為 10–12 支,栽植密度以 16 cm,氮素增為180 (kg/ha)。試驗結果在稻熱病發生上,健康管理法可以降低葉稻熱病68.6%、穗稻熱病35.4%;稻穀產量減少3.5%、食味計值增加18.2%,在整體淨收益可提高至13.6%。 The basic philosophy of crop health management (CHM) is based on integrated management of environment-friendly method to product safe and good food. The goal of this study was to be established the system of CHM from seedling stage to ripen stage on Miaoli 2 released by Miaoli District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (MDARES). Firstly, seeds were treated antagonistic microorganism to disinfect against seed-bored diseases at seedling stage or pre-transplanting which was isolated and identified by MDARES have been multiplied. Then the amount of seeds in one seedling box was decreased from 300 g to 250 g/0.18 m2. At transplanting, the modified the plant density in CHM was 30*21 cm that in the conventional method was 30*18 cm. The results showed that infection of leaf and panicle blast reducing 68.6% and 35.4%, respectively. The reduction in grain yield was decreased by 3.5% and panel value of Miaoli 2 was increased by 18.2% in CHM. In conclusion, a less pesticide application and relative net income increased by 13.6% could be through CHM which can create ventilation environment by healthy seedlings, wide plant density, and appropriate amount of fertilizer application

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