Establishing a Prospective System and Service Platform for Agriculture


一、 平台設置目標: 1. 短期目標發展應以知識服務平台為主,輔以技術和資訊。 2. 分子農場之生產內容在嚴格隔離之密閉溫室等條件下之分子農場。 3. 長期目標規劃的產品也可更加多樣化,生食、粗加工或高度純化之產品均可生產。 二、 平台之推動策略: 1. 設施建置與專業人才之整合。 2. 分子農場之運作。 3. 設置模擬之分子農場。 The purpose of this project is to establish a service platform comes with technology and information. The plant molecular farming (PMF) products will major focus on high market value products that can be grown in smaller, isolated area without further extracting and biosafety evaluation. Once the system is ready, risky products can also be developed and expanded to larger growing area, such as net greenhouse. The long term goal is to develop a molecular farming that can produce various products even requiring techniques to process extraction. The policies are to integrate research resources in our area, operate PMF to gain profit and further standardizing the procedures, and eventually a mature PFM established and running to meet the requirements for research purposes and industrial

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