Integration Crop Management of Leaf Vegetables-Brassicaceae, Leguminous Vegetables


於雲林縣水林鄉設置28 區合作田區,總面積7.27 公頃,擴大小菜蛾性費洛蒙使用面積,以達全面防治效果。以性費洛蒙誘集、監測之小菜蛾數換算成每公頃之誘殺數,每公頃估算之誘殺數為7502251237 隻,差異極大,顯示農民之管理模式差異極大。採收前共採樣22 樣品測定農藥殘留量,發現農民多混合多種農藥,其中有15 樣品未測出殘留量(ND),6 樣品使用未登記藥劑,但多為有安全容許量而無使用方法之藥劑。利用空心圓錐型噴嘴以側噴方式噴施蘇力菌防治小菜蛾可發揮極佳之防治效果,且殘留檢測結果,施藥後第二天青花菜菜球之農藥殘留量已低於安全容許量,可知施藥方法可影響農藥殘留量。於雲林縣水林鄉建立五區豇豆試驗田區並完成二期作之管理模式,於信義鄉設置二菜豆試驗田區。於種植前進行土壤處理,種植後懸掛黃色及藍色粘板防除小型昆蟲,試用蘇力菌防除豆莢螟;建立腐霉病、萎凋病及立枯病三種土壤傳播性病害之共同防治策略,並建立蟲害整合防除策略。於採收期採樣進行農藥殘留量檢測,檢測結果分別為未檢出 (ND)、安全與使用未登記藥劑三種樣態;針對違規使用藥劑部份已詳細說明違規原因,並加以輔導。利用矽藻素撒施於土壤傳播性病害罹病植株周圍可有效抑制病害之擴展。 The main purpose of this project is to establish the health management strategies of leaf vegetable species, leguminous vegetables (including peas, beans, etc.). The strategies built can be used to help farmers to produce the health, safety and high quality of vegetables, and then maintain the health of the consumer concerns. The ICM program of both cowpea and two Kidney bean was established and held for five and two fields in Yunlin County and Nantou County. Twenty eight location of Broccoli was conducted with the area of 7.27 acre totally. The Diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) occurred seriously. The sex pheromones is used to decrease the population of the diamondback moth. The hollow cone nozzle was used to control the diamondback moth and showed the significant efficacy by spraying the pesticides from side direction of the plants

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