Integration Crop Management of Leafy Vegetables - Brassicaceae, Water Spinach


於2010年1月份至2012年6月間在西螺鎮農友之簡易設施中共進行22期作十字花科小葉菜類整合管理試驗,發現較為嚴重之害物為黃條葉蚤,經浸水處理、播種後懸掛黃色粘板,配合少量之化學農藥噴施,可有效抑制黃條葉蚤之為害。由於黃條葉蚤移動性強,故噴施化學農藥防治時,可先噴施田區周圍,再向內依序噴施,降低成蟲向田區外遷飛,防除效果較佳。2009年8月進行溫室栽種蕹菜之整合管理試驗,至2010年6月該田區出現明顯之根瘤線蟲為害,經連續二期作澆灌甲殼素,無法發揮抑制線蟲為害,之後於2011年2月於罹病田區之田埂種植芳香萬壽菊,亦未有效抑制線蟲為害,反而引發介殼蟲發生;2012年6月輪作莧菜,採收時未發現線蟲為害,且連續種植6期作之蕹菜亦未見根瘤線蟲發生,至於此抑制之作用機制仍須進一步探討。 The integrated management of cruciferous vegetables was conducted in the simple vinyl house of Xiluo district for a total of 22 test from January 2010 to June 2012. The study found that the most serious problem is the striped flea beetle infestation. The practice, soil soaking treatment before sowing, hanging yellow sticky boards after sowing, following by a small amount of the pesticide use, can effectively inhibit the striped flea beetle infestation. Because the strong mobility of the striped flea beetle, to spray the pesticides area around the field first, and then again within the sequence spraying to reduce adult migration outside the fields, can control them effectively. The integrated management of water spinach at the greenhouse was held August 2009 and the Meloidogyne damage appeared at June 2010. The infestation of nematode could not been effectively suppressed by supplying chitin to the infected soil for two consecutive cultivation, followed by the planting of Tagetes lemmonii in February 2011. The practice was given up for the reason that the stem was infected by scale insects Finally. The nematode infestation condition was not found after amaranth crop rotation in June 2012, and maintained no infestation for six continuous water spinach cultivation. The mechanism of this inhibition still need further study

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