Developing New Oncidium Varieties


我國文心蘭產業已達一定規模,但所種植的切花品種卻非常少,主要以黃色系列為主,雖然從南西變異中選出橘色及白色的文心蘭,卻受制於品種穩定性不佳或品種授權問題,無法大量推廣。農試所於2010 年取得台農1 號-紅寶石(盆花品種)品種權,2011 年取得台農2 號-黃金女孩(切花品種)、台農3 號-台灣之星(盆花品種)及台農4 號-白雪(切花品種)等品種權。其中台農4 號-白雪是我國第一個自行選育推廣的文心蘭切花品種,有別於市售的黃花品種,在顏色上是一個重大突破。由於花朵大且具優良切花特性,極有潛力成為進攻日本文心蘭切花市場的明日之星,本新品種在取得品種權後,已有超過百位的花農與本所簽訂授權合約,約佔文心蘭栽培業者的46%,可見一般栽培者亦對本品種深具信心。 Oncidium industry has reached a considerable economical scale in Taiwan. But the varieties of cut flower are scarcely planted. Most of them are yellow series. Though we have selected oncidium of orange and white from Onc. Gower Ramsey variation, it is difficult to make a big promotion as a result of its poor variety stability and the authorization problem of the plant breeder right. However, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute successfully obtained the plant breeder rights of Oncidium Tariflor Ruby’ Tainung No. 1- Ruby’ in 2010, Oncidium Tariflor Golden Girl ‘Tainung No.2-Golden Girl’, Oncidium Tariflor Snow White ‘Tainung No.3-Taiwan Star’, and Oncidium Tariflor Snow White ‘Tainung No.4-Snow White’ in 2011. Among these four, Tainung No.4-Snow White is the first cut flower variety of Oncidium developed and spread in our country. It makes a great breakthrough in color, distinguishing itself from other yellow oncidiums. Tainung No.4-Snow White has become a potential super star of Oncidium at the Japanese market due to its large flowers and excellent characteristics of cut flower. After obtaining plant breeder right of Tainung No.4-Snow White, there are more then one hundred flower growers, about 46% of the growers in Taiwan, signing authorized contracts with TARI. It is thus clear that growers have also a lot of confidence in Tainung No.4-Snow White

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