Chrsanthemum Diseases and Contol in Taiwan


臺灣菊花已知有+一種病害,其中以莖腐病、白锈病、黑斑病發斥最為嚴重,黑鋸病、萎凋病、炭疸病偶有猖獗情形,其他有記錄或觀察到者有根腐病、褐锈病、褐斑病、灰徽病、白絹病。以季節來分,高溫時以莖腐病、萎凋病及黑斑病發生嚴重,冬季氣溫較低時,以白锈病及黑銳病發生較嚴重。 育苗期之莖腐病可取河川砂為苗床,插穗用新阿蘇仁1,000倍液浸10分鐘後沾植保素一號(內含NAA0.1%及萬力0.1%),可防治該病之發生,並育出發根良好之健全苗。白锈病可用锈克粉劑4,000倍及乳劑1,000倍防治。白锈病病菌在埔里及陽明山地區能越夏,但在田尾、北斗及嘉義地區無法越夏。黑斑病可用四氯丹粉劑500倍,鋅鋼四氯丹粉劑600倍,或與免賴得粉劑1,500倍或新阿蘇仁溶液1,000倍輸流使用,防治黑斑病時亦可同時防治炭疽病。 清園對病蟲害之發生有極顯著的影響,收穫後應行清園,避免病蟲害之滋長,對菊花病蟲害之有效防治,極為重要。 Among 11 chrysanthemum diseases known in Taiwan, basal stem rot (Rhizoclonia solani), white rust (Pflccinia horiana) and black leaf spot (Septoria chrysanthemella) occur severely. Black rust (Puccina chrysanthemi), wilt (Fusarjum oxysporuni f. sp. chrysanthemum) and anthracnose ( Colletotrichum chrysanthemi ) occur sporadically. While brown rust (Uredo autumnalis), brown leaf spot(Septoria chrysanthemi-indica), gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) and southern blight (Scierotium rolfsii) had been recorded or observed to occur occasionally. In high temperature period, basal stem rot, wilt, anthracnose and blaek leaf spot are severe, while in winter, white rust, black rust and gray mold occur. Seed bed composes of river sand with cuttings are protected, after immersed 10 mill in 6.5% Neo Asozin S solution(1,000 timesdilution), by plant protection powder No.1 ( 0.2% NAA and 0.1% Benlate in talc) to control basal stem rot and to promote abundant rootlets formation. White rust fungus could over-summer in Puli and Yanminshan areas but did not so in Tienwei, Peitou and Chiayi areas. White rust is controlled by Plantvax (4,000 times dilution and 1,000 times dilution, respectively, for 75% WP and 20% EC). Black leaf spot is controlled with 80% Difolatan WP 500 times dilution or 50% Zincofol WP at 600 times dilution alone or rotating with 50% Benlate WP 1500 times dilution or 6.5% Neo Asozin S at 1000 times dilution. Same spray also controls anthracnose. Cleaning of the harvested fields is most important to control diseases and insets for the nearby fields

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