The Simulation Model and Relative Humidity to Predict the Temperature within Greenhouse in Taiwan


本模式之目的在‘預測’溫室內溫濕度環境,提供設施園藝營運管理方式使溫室利用達到最高效率、並使農業工程師或一般建造者在操作、設計、構造溫室時能依預知之情形,建造出最廉價且商合作物生長環境之溫室。 本模式之律立,摒除了利用儀器(日射計、風速計、溫濕度計、電熱偶、資料分析儀等感應器)計測的動態模擬方式,改為借用氣象預報的氣象資料(溫度、濕度、風速、雲量等),做為動態模擬依據,不但適用於預測工作,且可根據以往之氣象資資料及植物生理資料,決定植物之最適生長季節,或作為變更植物種類時溫濕度環境之評估。本預測模式在民國78年已大致發展完成,並於民國80年利用多點資料蒐集儀配以溫度、濕度、風向風速、日射量等感應器作長期的氣象資料,代入預測模式,經比對印証其精確度相當高。 The purpose of this model is trying to predict the highest and lowest temperatures and relative humidity at any day within a greenhouse. Simulation results can provide the most economical and efficient ways to design, construct, and manage the greenhouses. The characteristics of this model is not fully depend on the instant data responsed from sensors, but combines the climate data from Weather Bureau and mathematical simulations. As a result, it is not only predicted easily, but implemented economically. The model has been developed and tested completely in 1989 and 1991, respectively. The precision of this model is found to compare favorably high and acceptable with that from long-term field measured data

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