The Selection on Fresh Edible Sugarcane


從全省栽植食用紅甘蔗地方所搜集之28個地方種,經本場進行選育結果,計選出10個優良選系,於88年度在埔里鎮籃城里進行食用紅甘蔗新品系產量比較試驗(於87年12月16日插植),經農藝性狀調查結果,每平方公尺株數以台中選育10號(5.9支)最多,比對照品種(埔里地方種)增加0.6支;株高以台中選育2號(250.4公分)最高,比對照種增加7.4公分;節數以台中選育4、5、6(27.4節)較多,比對照種增加0.3節;葉幅以台中選育3號(6.8公分)較寬,比對照品種增加0.4公分;中間5節長度以台中選育10(42.9公分)最長,比對照品種增5.4公分;節間莖徑以台中選育3號(3.6公分)較粗,比對照種增加0.3公分;糖分以台中選育10號(19Bix)較高,比對照種增加0.6度。供試10品系之產量比對照品種增加0.8~10.9%,其中以台中選育10號之產量(12,111公斤/公頃)最高,比對照品種(10.918公斤/公頃)增加10.9%;其後依次為台中選育6、2及9號,分別比對照品種增加7.7%、7.5%及1.7%,此四品系均比對照品種呈顯著增產。89年度食用紅甘蔗新品系產量比較試驗(第二年),其供試品系及地點大致與88年度相同,目前仍生育中,預定在90年2月上旬收穫。 The 28 fresh edible sugarcane local lines were collected from all over the Taiwan. Ten elite lines was selected in this station. The yield trail of those lo new lines was conducted in puli, Nantou county. The result showed that Taichung selection No.10 have the highest plant number, which is 5.9 per square meter. Than those of check Variety “Puli Local” by 0.6. Taichung selection No.2 have the highest plant height (250.4 cm), that is 7.4 cm higher than those of “Puli Local”. The Taichung selection No.4, 5 and 6 have the highest node number(27.4 nodes). The Taichung selection No.3 have the longest leaf width (6.8cm). The Taichung No.10 have the longest middle 5-node length (42.9cm). The Taichung No.3 have the longest stem diameter (3.6cm), which is 0.3cm longer than that of “Puli Lacal”. The Taichung No.10 have the highest sugar content (19 Brix). The average yield of 10 lines is 0.8-10.9% higher than that of check variety. Taichung 10 have the highest yield (12,111 kg/ha), which is 10.9% higher than that of check variety (10,918 kg/ha). The three lines, Taichung Nos. 6, 2 and 9 is higher than that of check variety by 7.7%, 7.5% and 1.7%, respectively. The yield of Taichung Nos s 10, 6 and 2 is significantly different from that of check variety

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