
The main task of this article is the conceptualization of post-communism. The article seeks to challenge the persistence tendency to describe post-communism only as a political and geographical phenomenon. Post-communism is shown to be a complex process that fits uneasily into pre-given categories. Ideology as a complex of theories, convictions, beliefs, argumentative procedures is one of the most important dimen­sions of post-communism. This article insists on the importance of ideology without falling into the traps of either determinism or historicism.The article challenges the dominant universal discourse of political liberalism, which sees post-communist change as a one-way process of transition to liberal de­mocracy and free market. This universal politics of post-communism produces new hierarchies and forms of exclusion between ‘postmodern’ West and ‘post-communist’ East. Thus we need to employ the tools of post-colonialism and postmodernism to explore and deconstruct the operation of the concept of post-communism through language, culture and institutions.The article argues that so called neutral ‘post-ideological consensus’ is actually ideological and contradictory. Post-communism is not the objective ‘transitional’ re­ality, rather it is the subjective (mis)perception of ideological representations. The ar­ticle also challenges the myths of ‘the end of ideology’, ‘the end of communism’ and ‘the end of modernity’. Post-communism is not the transitional condition from ideo­logy of communism to ‘post-ideological’ liberal democracy, but rather the complex, ambivalent and long historical norm, or, in other words, specific type of modernity.Straipsnio tikslas – apibrėžti postkomunizmo politinės filosofijos analizės prielaidas naujai artikuliuojant postkomunizmo, ideologijos, postideologijos ir diskurso sampratas. Postkomunizmas yra tęstinė hibridinė būklė, kuri atsiranda sąveikaujant dekolonizacijos, modernizacijos, postmodernizacijos, globalizacijos procesams. Postkomunizmo kaip būklės apibrėžimas reikalauja nagrinėti šį reiškinį kompleksiškai, įtraukiant į analizę prieštaringų ideologinių diskursų reprezentacijas, atsižvelgiant į postkomunizmo demokratijos problemas, atsirandančias posttotalitarizmo laikotarpiu. Straipsnyje, remiantis postideologijos tezės kritika, teigiama, kad santykio tarp postkomunizmo ir ideologinių diskursų bei santykio tarp postkomunizmo ir postkolonializmo problemų artikuliavimas padeda geriau suprasti postkomunizmo fenomeną

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