The Coptic and Greek Papyri of the Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e di Storia Dell'arte


Publication of six Coptic and two Greek papyri in the Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e di Storia dell’Arte, deriving most probably from the excavations of Gilbert Bagnani at Tebtynis in the Fayum. The more complete of the Coptic texts are identifiable as letters from monastic contexts. The most substantial fragment, p.inasa Copto i, mentions an Apa Georgios «who is among the Saints», perhaps a reference to a well-known archimandrite of Deir el-Hamman; such an identification would indicate an viii/ix-century date for the document. The remaining Coptic papyri can, for the most part, be dated on palaeographic grounds to these same centuries, while the rather fragmentary Greek documents (a letter, possibly, and an account) are earlier

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