Efecto de las tecnologías audiovisuales e informáticas como aporte al mejoramiento de los ambientes de enseñanza – aprendizaje y al proceso de organización de la información institucional de los estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales del Centro de Educación Especial “Sagrado Corazón de Jesús” de Montería


The informatics and audiovisual media get together to propound new strategies for teaching, and also organization sample about the information with special educational necessities. For this study it was taken into account the attention, assimilaton ans deduction; watching the effect that a class supported on audiovisual media could generate on these aspects. On the other hand, the information aboutn each student was organized to make the diagnostic, treatments and academic results agile, generating, in this way, a unification of the clinical and educational processes. Both phases of this project were achivied successfully, making not only teaching strategies to apply on children with special educational necessities, but also opening the doors to keep searching the development of special education and its contribution to th social progress of a group of people who for some reasons, were isolated.Pregrad

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