
Vitamin D: pharmacology and clinical challenges in oral health care


Vitamin D is a hormone, produced endogenously through cutaneous transformation of 7-dehydrocholesterol by UVB-irradiation with skeletal and non-skeletal functions and could be involved in oral health conditions especially periodontitis. Vitamin D main mechanism of action occurs through binding to its intracellular receptor. In this article, we aim to review the beneficial role of vitamin D in dentistry. Articles related to vitamin D and oral health were screened and reviewed with the main findings and clinical implications presented. Vitamin D deficiency prevalence is high especially among the elderly and is associated with oral health complications such as periodontitis with a possible role of vitamin D supplementation in oral health conditions’ management. The review discusses the main findings as although the majority of the literature demonstrates vitamin D essential role, some research suggest excess vitamin D supplementation could lead to other health issues. Thus, further research is needed to define vitamin D target levels and establish effective strategies for managing patients suffering from oral health conditions especially periodontitis. Improving the knowledge of dental practitioners, periodontologists and pharmacists regarding vitamin D deficiency implications in oral health conditions could guide the management of oral conditions especially periodontitis

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