
Not through confusion or fear: motivational approaches for preparing Physician Associate students for post graduate study and beyond.


This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by University of Wolverhampton in Pedagogy in Practice in November 2016, available online: The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.This review paper explores the underlying principles of motivating Physician Associate students during both matriculation and progression points of post-graduate study. Pertinent notions of the teacher student relationship and its complexities are examined against the literature, aligned to constructionist learning theories. The impact of such motivational expressions by Higher Education teachers sets the scene for future approaches to deep learning that can impact upon safe and compassionate clinical practice. Educational novices are viewed to be in the ideal position within Higher Education and external stakeholders to explore and design an articulated curriculum that is fit for the 21st century healthcare economies. The correlation between effective motivation and enthusiasm is considered in line with student experiences and expectations resulting in safe effective patient care. The paper suggests that Higher Education teachers would better meet student expectations with more awareness of student entry level behaviour

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