Operationally Responsive Space (ORS): An Architecture and Enterprise Model for Adaptive Integration, Test and Logistics


The capability to rapidly deploy tactical satellites to meet a Joint Force Commander\u27s immediate battlespace requirements is a well-documented joint capability need. Key U.S. strategic documentation cites the need for the capability to maintain persistent surveillance or an unblinking eye over battlespace and to rapidly reconstitute critical space capabilities to preserve situational awareness. The warfighter requires a tactical space-based deployment capability which employs a request to launch and operational deployment window of 90 to 120 days. This master\u27s thesis executed two (2) major areas of work: apply, and reinforce the Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) mission tasks using the Joint Capabilities Integration Development System (JCIDS) process; then based on capability gap data generated from the process, analyze and define the capability gap of an ORS Adaptive Integration, Test and Logistics (IT&L) process for payload to bus deployment to meet the identified time scales. This document recommends engineering solutions and processes for the ORS IT&L to-be state for this warfighter capability. The ORS adaptive IT&L CONOPS developed as part of this work focuses on the Tactical Satellite Rapid Deployment System (TSRDS), which is an adaptive integration, test and logistics capability that enables rapid and effective payload to bus integration to meet a 90- to 120-day warfighter window

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