Naldemedine for the Use of Management of Opioid Induced Constipation


Purpose of Review: Opioid medications are a pillar of acute and chronic analgesia, though their use is often accompanied by side-effects, such as opioid-induced constipation. Unfortunately, tolerance rarely develops to this untoward side effect. This review presents the background, evidence, and indications for the use of Naldemedine (Brand name Symproic 0.2 mg tablets) to treat opioid-induced constipation. Recent Findings: Opioids are often used for the treatment of acute and chronic analgesia. Outside of the central effect they exert, they also interact with peripheral receptors, resulting in opioid-induced constipation, the commonest of side effects of chronic opioid usage. Complications include colonic distention, ileus, perforation, and can progress to other serious bowel complications, which can result in hospitalization and fatal events.For the most part, laxatives and other anti-constipation therapies are often inefficient and require intervention directed at the root cause, such as peripheral mu receptor agonists, including methylnaltrexone, naloxegol, and naldemedine. Naldemedine is the most recent to gain FDA approval of the group.An antagonist of Mu, Kappa, and Delta peripheral receptors, Naldemedine, is the only drug to counteract all three receptor classes. It was shown to be both safe and effective when compared with placebo. No data exists to compare its efficacy to that of other members of the group. Summary: Opioids are frequently used in the management of acute and chronic pain. The most common of the side effects is opioid-induced constipation, secondary to the peripheral activity of opioids. Naldemedine is an FDA-approved, once-daily oral tablet that counteracts this side effect by antagonizing mu, kappa, and delta-opioid receptors and has been shown to be safe and effective. Further investigation including head-to-head clinical trials are required to evaluate the relative efficacy of naldemedine compare with other peripheral opiate receptor antagonists

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