Maintaining linguistic diversity in Europe – lessons learned from the project ELDIA


The research project ELDIA (European Language Diversity for All), funded by the 7thFramework Programme of the European Union from March 2010 till September 2013,set out to examine the state of multilingualism in today’s Europe. The project, workingon a sample of Finno-Ugric minorities from the Barents Sea to Slovenia, began with acontext analysis (desk research) and proceeded through fieldwork-based case studies(questionnaire surveys and interviews) as well as interconnected media-sociologicaland law analyses. One of the main results was the EuLaViBar (European LanguageVitality Barometer), a tool for assessing the state of language maintenance andidentifying the points where special support measures are needed. In this paper, somecentral results of the project, with respect to maintaining language diversity in Europe,are discussed

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