Un modello inclusivo per il riconoscimento precoce e la riabilitazione dei Disturbi di Apprendimento


The work shows a study on the early identification and rehabilitation of children of primary and secondary school with learning disabilities, who were tested in group within school hours and inside the school. What made the work specific was both the focus on the overall support of the mechanisms for the admittance of a child with difficulties in a peers group and the rehabilitation work for the aforementioned problem. Moreover the specificity of this study was given by a high involvement of teachers and people working in the school area who were able to correctly identify the children with the specific difficulties within the classroom. In conclusion the work analyses the strength and the weakness of the model proposed for the identification and rehabilitation of particular children which should be useful for the health care workers, the teachers, and the families. However this study was also performed for further trials in other pediatric-neuropsychiatric centers and schools institutions

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