Hyperuricemia; A Common Risk Factor Of Hypertension Among Pakistani People


Objective: To determine association of hypertension with high blood level of uric acid among people of Pakistan.Study design & duration: This is a prospective study, started in July 2019 and completed in February 2020 after eight months.Setting: This study was conducted in Medical unit of Bahawal Victoria Hospital Bahawalpur.Patients & Methods:  All those patients with hyperuricemia reporting to study hospital were included in this study. Patients were divided into two groups. Sample size was calculated using WHO calculator. Hypertensive patients were kept in group-A and patients with normal blood pressure were kept in group-B. There were total 300 cases, 150 in each group. According to inclusion criteria fasting blood uric acid level should be increased, blood pressure should be more than normal limit according to age in 3 different days of a week. Al data collected was documented in a predesigned performa. Calculations were done using SPSS software version 24. Results were calculated in the form of percentage for qualitative variables and means, SD were calculated for quantitative variables. P-value less than 0.05 were considered significant. Confidence interval was 95% with 5% margin of error.        Results: There were total 300 cases comprising on 155(51.7%) male and 145(48.3%) female cases. In group-A with hypertension 45(15%) were male and 105(35%) were female cases. While in group-B with normal blood pressure 110(36.7%) were male and 40(13.3%) were female cases. Range of age was 20-80 years with mean age of 46.78±8.52 years. In group A patients with hypertension, 73(24.3%) cases were having hypericemia. In group-B out of 150 cases 5(3.3%) were having hyperuricemia including 4(2.7%) male and one female.     Conclusion: There is strong association between hyperurucemia and hypertension among pakistani population and most commonly found among female patient

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